Australian woman killed by cock

Australian woman killed by cock

In Australia, a woman was killed by a cock.

 Photo Source: MBC NEWS TODAY

A 76-year-old Australian woman who picked up an egg was killed by a cock attack, US media reported on September 4 (local time), citing a paper. According to the paper, the rooster cut the vein under the woman's left leg, after which the woman collapsed and never rose again.

Photo Source: MBC NEWS TODAY

According to a paper published in the latest issue of Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, published in late August, an Australian woman who picked up eggs from her rural home was told that the cock was constantly pecking her leg. She shed much blood to death.

She had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetic blood vessels protruding from lower limb varicose veins, and her leg vein was torn according to the autopsy.

Photo Source: MBC NEWS TODAY

"This case shows that even small livestock can cause fatal injuries, especially if the blood vessels are vulnerable." One of the authors of the paper advised, "To prevent this from happening, even small animals must be treated politely and varicose veins must be treated."

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Australian woman killed by cock
