60-year-old female bank employee overpowering armed robberies

A 60-year-old female bank employee in Texas was at the center of the topic when she overpowered a gunman with her bare hands, according to CBS on Oct. 6.

Scenes of a 60-year-old woman overpowering an armed robber with a gun - YouTube capture

When Jill Beatty (60) who is the female bank employee to work at the First State Bank in Abilyn, Texas, opened the bank door at 7:40 a.m. on Sept. 24, a robber hiding around her suddenly appeared and aimed at her with a gun.

Astonished Jill Beatty stepped back into the bank with a robbery together. The two persons entered the bank and fought for about 15 minutes. The embarrassed robber pushed Beatty strongly, but Beatt wasn't giving up to attack it and bravely attacked the robber and tried to take his gun away.

The robbers eventually ran away to Beatty's fierce resistance.

The police reported the incident similar to the robbery in 2015 and 2016 and released a suspect montage.

Criminal's Face and Clothing : YouTube Capture

Montage of criminals: YouTube Capture

CBS reported that Local police also released the video, saying that the banker, Jill Beatty, took a good job at coping with the robber, grasping his hand to the end.

There is something wrong with YouTube video until 28 seconds. After 29 seconds, you can see that the brave female bank employee, Jill Beatty, fought with the robber.

YouTube Video : Suspect robbed a bank at gunpoint on Sept. 24, 2019 at 7:40 a.m.
